Each brand has a “Manage Products” Tab which is where you can add, edit, and search for products within your product catalog. From here you can also easily view whether or not a product has variants, as well as, review the brand page status of a product.
A product’s brand page status will be a draft until it is submitted for approval, pending until the product has been approved or rejected, and approved once a product is live on the platform.
You may Edit a product at any time by selecting the “Edit” button but be sure to publish any changes you make by clicking the “Submit For Approval” button. It's also important to remember that changes to any Critical field will need to be reviewed and approved.
You will also be able to easily identify and update the cover product that will populate on your Brand Card and represent your brand to buyers on their dashboard. It will be your brand's first impression to buyers so we recommend choosing a product that is either your bestseller or most popular product.
Finally, there are a number of actions that can be taken for each product under the ellipsis.
Those actions can be found here.
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