The International Capabilities section will allow you to select an additional country to show international buyers which countries your products are available in. In order to get the International Capabilities field to appear, your product will need to specify that it can be distributed in at least one of the following countries that is not your current country of origin:
US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, or The Netherlands
Example: A brand located in the United States that can distribute to Australia will unlock International Capabilities. However, a brand located in Canada that can only distribute to Canada will not unlock the feature.
The information you will need to provide for products for each country is:
- Approvals & Certifications - To list an Approval or Certification, you want to directly type the name onto the field and select it. You can also scroll through the selections. Each product listing can have more than one certification and/or approval.
- Distribution & Availability - Indicate where you are able, or willing to ship your products. Select which current distributors you have.
Promotional budget - This field allows you to select the price range that best describes your marketing budget each year for this product. Select a range from the drop-down box.
Note: Some buyers look specifically for brands with a marketing budget.
Variants -
- Cost & MSRP- currency in that country
- Barcode - that country's barcode
- Tax exemption (only for UK, AU, and NZ)
- Nutritional label - that country's nutritional label
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